With more than 20 years of experience in multiple industries, our goal is to provide our customers with specilized services for their Import and Export needs. Our Operations are backed up by the use of digital tools and data analysis that allow us to execute timely and accurate processes.
Our goal is to help our customers to meet their Logistics, Production and Commercial goals within a reliable and cost effective framework.
When working with Trade Nexus Peru, you get access to personalised import and export consultancy support that will help you to navigate the often complex processes involved in international trade.
Importing and exporting operations require extensive knowledge of international laws which are applied based on multiple scenarios and business contexts. Before making any final decisions regarding import and export business objectives, speaking with an established expert with experience in the international laws surrounding trade is vitally important. At Trade Nexus Peru, we provide the following global import and export consultancy solutions:
Supply sourcing
Importing and exporting operations require extensive knowledge of international laws which are applied based on multiple scenarios and business contexts. Before making any final decisions regarding import and export business objectives, speaking with an established expert with experience in the international laws surrounding trade is vitally important. At Trade Nexus Peru, we provide the following global import and export solutions:
International trade laws and regulations
Tariff application
Global market expertise
International shipping and Logistics
International Payment Transactions
Legal documentation
Export & import management services
Supply sourcing
Procuring Quality engineering services
Kitting & packaging services